Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Theories Of Howard Gardner And Urie Bronfenbrenner
The theories of Howard Gardner and Urie Bronfenbrenner are at the heart of my educational philosophy. I firmly believe in Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory, and his perspective that everyone has their own individual learning style. This is important to know, especially when working with children. Understanding how each child learns best and the way they process information provides teachers with a unique viewpoint into each student and allows for opportunities to teach in a way that fosters many benefits for everyone. Using Gardner’s theory as a basis for my teaching, allows me to plan meaningful, curriculum and create a classroom environment that encourages success for each child and their families. Following the ideals of Bronfenbrenner will allow me to see who the child is, and what his or her influences are. Knowing the traditions and culture the child comes from, will give me a better understanding of their life experiences and the belief system of their fami ly. As a teacher, I will work to fully provide opportunities for authentic learning, where every child feels valued, safe and included. My goal will be to find occasions every day to nurture independent learning, along with peer support that promotes a sense of personal growth and achievement. I recognize that every child has strengths and weaknesses, special talents, and specific needs, regardless of individual challenges. My objective will be to model appropriate behavior and show acceptance of everyoneShow MoreRelatedThe Theories Of Howard Gardner And Urie Bronfenbrenner1182 Words  | 5 Pages The Theories of Howard Gardner and Urie Bronfenbrenner are two theorists at the heart of my education philosophy. I firmly believe in Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory and his perspective that everyone has their own individual learning style. This is important to know, especially when working with children. Understanding how each child learns best and the way they process i nformation provides teachers with a unique viewpoint into each student and allows for opportunities to teach in a wayRead MoreThe Effects Of Discrimination On Students Learning1776 Words  | 8 Pagesto incorporate these cultures into the learning process and provide caring, fair, and equitable education. â€Æ' Students’ Social Ecology Theory Every child is unique and different. They have physical, emotional, and cultural differences due to the environment of their ecological system and their experiences with their socializing agents. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner the student’s ecological system consists of four basic structures that work together to influence children s development. The first
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Jonathan Swift s Literary Canon Of Politically And...
Thesis Statement: Jonathan Swift’s literary canon of politically and comically-prolific satires, fantasies, and allegories was seasoned with his exposure to the follies of the economic, religious and governing institutions of the British Empire, and thus, he sought to lampoon and caricature the current events and social, cultural, religious, and political trends that were so omnipotent during his lifetime. Swift’s exposure to the monarchical mentality and rife factional conflicts pervading the political sector of England influenced a number of his literary works. A. In 1710, Swift, disgusted with their alliance with the Dissenters, withdrew from the Whigs, aligned himself with the Tories, and took up the position of editor of the Tory newspaper The Examiner (Cody). â€Å"But Swift did not thereby renounce his essentially Whiggish convictions regarding the nature of government. The old Tory theory of the divine right of kings had no claim upon him. The ultimate power, he insisted, derived from the people as a whole and, in the English constitution, had come to be exercised jointly by king, lords, and commons†(Quintana). Through his many articles and pamphlets that were written in defense of Tory policies, Swift became one of the most effective spokespersons of any British administration. With the death of Queen Anne in August 1714 and the accession of George I, the Tories were a ruined party, and Swift’s career in England was at an end. When Swift was writing Gulliver’s
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Analytics for Concepts - Techniques and Applications
Questions: 1.Why does each step in the business analytics process have a past, present, and future dimension? 2.What is a competitive advantage, and how is it related to BA? 3.Why does having the ability to aid in decision-making make BA important? 4.How does BA help achieve sustainability? 5.What is digital analytics? Answers: Introduction The business analytics is one type of practice of the methodical exploration and eth iterative state of an organization's information that mainly focuses on the statistical analysis. The business analytics are used by the companies for taking the data-driven decision making within the organization. They are using the business informs and decisions to enhance the process of decision-making approaches more flexible and efficient in the organization (Hofmann Klinkenberg, 2013). The data-driven companies are treating the data as an important asset and consider it as the competitive advantage. The successful business analytics depends on the quality of the data, understand the technology in a better way and organize the decision in a much better way than the others in the organization. Their area has been divided into the two parts- the business intelligence and statistical analysis. 1. Based on the two types of the business analytics, Laursen Thorlund said that the business analytics is mainly involved in examining the historical data in order to get a sense of how the business, the team as well as the staffs perform on a particular period of time. This is one type of matured practice done in the organization which is quite fair and relevant (Laursen Thorlund, 2016). On the other hand, the statistical analysis involves the deeper knowledge of the predictive analysis which uses the algorithms. These algorithms can be applied to the historical data in order to predict the future performance of the product, services as well as the website design.1. The other analysis can also be used which are based on the advanced technologies known as cluster analysis. These two types of the business analytics provide the necessary dimension to the past, present and future perspective. Based on these two types, the analysis becomes easy and provides the exact result of the organization. As per Ragsdale, the descriptive analysis tracks the performance and understands the present state of the business (Ragsdale, 2014). The predictive approach analyzes the change in the trend of the data and helps to access those in the future. This approach also uses the past performance in order to generate the further recommendations that deal with the managing procedure in the near future. 2. Various companies make several plans to generate the successful outcomes in the market. When the plans are not effective, then the business starts to lose. Therefore, the planning is considered as the most part of the business. When the methods are applied in a correct manner then the results will be obtained as per the planned idea (Sharma, Mithas Kankanhalli, 2014). The business planning process has been divided into the sequence of strategy, then down to the tactical methods and finally the operational phase. Generally, the information is passed from the lower level, then processed in the middle phase and finally went to the higher level of authorities. These are the basic steps involved in the planning process of the business analytics. The first competitive advantage is the price leadership that deals with the marketing standpoints which offers the services and products to the customers at lower cost with huge profits. The business analyst helps to identify the main factors, the competitors, and monitors the report. They also help to maintain the price level at the lower level and measure its margin. The next advantage is related to the sustainability which ensures the resource usage and maintains a balance in the environment (Shmueli Lichtendahl Jr, 2017). The business analyst helps to identify the resource and reallocate the resource in order to prevent the damage. The operational efficiency is another type of advantage that improves the internal business operations as well as the activities of the competitors. According to Sharma, Mithas Kankanhalli, the business analysts identify the operation area where the correction is required and the modification even. Innovation is another important factor of the business which leads to reducing the complexities and results in better performance (Sharma, Mithas Kankanhalli, 2014). The business analysts obtain those ideas and use them in an effective way to enhance the productivity of the organization. The business analysts also get the desired opinion for the problem solving and fixing the things in a better way. 3. There are several potential applications for the decision-making process used by the business analysts. One of them is the increase customer profitability where the BA provides the detailed information about the current pricing methods and the competitors of the market. This information can be used further to put the business on a profitable scale which will properly balance the sales volumes as well as the increase rate of the prices. The risk reduction method used by the BA helps to get the required information which will avoid the issues in the field of the sales, budgets, and technology (Shmueli Lichtendahl Jr, 2017). The merchandise optimization strategy uses the predictive methods in a step-wise manner and determines the optimal results of the organization. The human resource management decision used by the BA helps to compute the productivity, revenue, and cost-estimation. Due to these abilities, the BA is the important element in the companies. 4. The BA helps to ensure the resources of the business that will balance the factors of the environment as well as the bottom of the firm's profitability. BA in the company identifies those resources and uses it in an efficient way. Whenever it is necessary of reallocating the resources, BA even does that keeping the profitability as the priority (Sharma, Mithas Kankanhalli, 2014). The best part of the BA is that they offer the effective methods and approaches to reallocate the resources, to use them in an optimal manner and to achieve the best results out of it. 5. The digital analytics is the combination of the collection, analysis, measurement, visualization and the interpretation of the digital data that usually illustrate the user behavior on the mobiles, websites as well as on the mobile sites (Laursen Thorlund, 2016). The most important part of the digital analytics is to understand how the sites and apps are formed and used. With the use of the analytics data, the organizations are optimizing the data based on the customer experience on the websites, mobile, and apps. Conclusion According to organization point of view, the BA is the most important members those who are responsible for bringing the change and competitive advantage into the organization. With the innovative efforts and approaches made by the BA, the profit scale of the company is always at the higher position in the marketplace. The introduction to the digital analytics helps to develop the market in a more appropriate way which will define the behavior of the user. The BA is very much essential for the investment as well as for the sudden changes in the organization. They are highly skilled with the change in the technology and help the firm in reallocating the resource as when required in the organization. They easily explore the ideas and methods that are relevant for the company. References Hofmann, M., Klinkenberg, R. (Eds.). (2013).RapidMiner: Data mining use cases and business analytics applications. CRC Press. Laursen, G. H., Thorlund, J. (2016).Business analytics for managers: Taking business intelligence beyond reporting. John Wiley Sons. Ragsdale, C. (2014).Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics. Nelson Education. Sharma, R., Mithas, S., Kankanhalli, A. (2014). Transforming decision-making processes: a research agenda for understanding the impact of business analytics on organisations.European Journal of Information Systems,23(4), 433-441. Shmueli, G., Lichtendahl Jr, K. C. (2017).Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R. John Wiley Sons.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Questions On The Origin Of Life And Of The Universe Must Have Challeng
Questions on the origin of life and of the universe must have challenged human curiosity and imagination as soon as early man had time for activities other than survival. In 1859, Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species, and since then, people have debated between the creationism and evolutionism theories. The theory of evolution has been supported only through various religious writings, particularly the Bible. Creationists believe in a divine creator, God. Creationism has a broad range of beliefs involving a reliance on God's miraculous work to explain the origin of the universe, of life, and of the different kinds of plants and animals on Earth. According to the creationist view, God willed everything into existence, and this is how humans came onto the Earth. Creationists say that the evolution theory is biased and incomplete. They believe that the fossil records fail to provide a link between diverse groups. To find out how old fossils are, scientists use a method called radioisotope dating, which measures the amount of uranium or lead lost over the years. Creationists deny evidence from this testing because they assume no uranium or lead has been lost over the years. The process of evolution, which all living things developed from unicellular organisms, over billions of years Exactly how evolution occurs is still debated but it is a scientific fact that it does occur. Most biologists believe that the modern theory of evolution arose from a history of mutations either physically or chemically and it is still occurring. All organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor from inanimate matter. The science of paleontology or the study of life provides the most direct proof of evolution in the past through fossil remains or impressions, usually in rock. Other evidence comes from comparative studies of living animals and plants, including their structure and geographical locations. "Mollusks and vascular plants account for more than 80 percent" (Futuyma 87) of the world's species, with about "1.4 to 1.8 million species" (Futuyma 87) in all. Changes occur in living organisms to help increase their adaptability, or potential for survival and reproduction, in the face of changing environments. Evolution apparently has no built-in direction or purpose. A given kind of organism may evolve only when it occurs in a variety of forms differing in hereditary characteristics, or traits, that are passed from parent to offspring. By chance, some varieties prove to be poorly adapted to their current environment and thus disappear, whereas others prove to be adaptive, and their numbers increase. The elimination of the unfit, or the "survival of the fittest," is known as natural selection because it is nature that discards or favors a particular variant. Basically, evolution takes place only when natural selection operates on a population of organisms containing diverse inheritable forms. Creationists have gone back to the basic laws of nature to see if evolution is physically possible given enough time and opportunity. The one major problem that they see is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. It states, "All natural systems degenerate when left to themselves". This is why everything falls apart and decays over time. Creationists point to death as being the ultimate manifestation of this law. This physics principle does not allow for something as complex as the human eye to originate from something simple. The eye must follow the tendency for complete degeneration. Creationists see a downward spiral for every living and non-living creation. Everything breaks down into simpler substances; they do not become more complex. Creationists say that, in the real world the long-term flow is downhill, not uphill. An experimental and physical observation appears to confirm that the law is indeed universal, affecting all natural processes in the long run. The evolutionists do not see the Second Law of Thermodynamics as a contradiction to evolutionary processes, because as it "specifically states that the entropy of a closed system cannot decrease. The law pertains to closed systems. The earth, and therefore evolution, is not a closed system" (Creation Science FAQ) As we know, there are no closed system on earth, "so in no way can any living system on Earth directly violate the second law" (Creation Science FAQ) Therefore, this argument is invalid. The age of the universe, perhaps billions of years
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