Monday, January 27, 2020
Wardens Five Rings | Overview and Analysis
Wardens Five Rings | Overview and Analysis Wardens Five Rings theory is a model developed by Col. John Warden. It was first applied in a real war setting in the 1991 Gulf war incorporated in the Operational Thunder offensive strategy. It was the key theory that defined Operational Thunder strategy as it was known for American Air Power in defeating Iraq air force. The concept of the five ring model revolves around five major areas of interest that must be attacked and weekend sufficiently before enemy forces can be (Warden, 1995). The five various levels are like rings of areas of influence that revolve around the core area which is leadership. The areas of influence as defined in the model have various intrinsic importances from each other and present unique values for an enemy to attack. In this model the notion advanced is that a military incursion in an enemy environment should start outwards (Warden, 1995). The idea is to peel the various layers that revolve around the core which is the leadership until eventually the enemy is left vulnerable and captured. Once leadership is captured then the enemy has fallen and is captured. The Leadership at the centre of the model refers to the top organ of the enemy. The other areas are field military, infrastructure, population and system essentials. Field military force is the outer level that the enemy has put in place. It is the first level that must be overcome which is the enemy army. The second outer level is the civilian population of the enemy state; this too must be subdued and controlled. After population the target shifts to infrastructure that will derail efficient function of the enemy further. Second last level from the core is the system essential which refers to all the sectors that support and drive the overall enemy state such as economy (Warden, 1995). The five rings system theory is considered one of the most brilliant military theories advanced so far. Its importance is in its ability to inform a systematic approach that is coordinated to subdue an enemy. In this regard it can be used to compile a list of specific military target. Choice of important enemy targets are identified using a predefined framework and does not depend on speculation of the relative advantages presented by each (Warden, 1995). This is because by defining the levels of influence the associated sectors and areas can be clearly identified as well. And more importantly the military strategists are able to use a system formula to map out important enemy to targets (Warden, 1995). The Cuban missile crisis is a historical moment and one of those few instances that the five ring model could not be applied as tactical military strategy among the Russians or the Cubans. The nature in which Cuban missile crisis unfolded was bound to involve the United States forces and more than one country, both Russia and Cuba (Allison, Graham and Zelikow, 1999). The situation was even tense since both countries were contemplating use of nuclear weapons which was at the heart of the Cuban missile crisis. Indeed any way military offensive that would have involved Russian and United States would have been like the crash of the titans. The situation was triggered by the United States satellite evidence that Russia was actively deploying nuclear capability technology and installing it in Cuba backyard in secrecy (Allison et al, 1999). Earlier on United States had increased its military presence in Europe in what Russia could have interpreted to be a threat to its existence. However diplomacy and huge degree of restraining prevailed that averted the nuclear missile crisis at the time. What is clear though is that even The 5 ring model would not have been able to be applied at a military offensive where nuclear weapon was the choice of weapons. Indeed the military brains that had advance the systematic process presented in the 5 ring model had never contemplated even once the idea that nuclear missile would ever be used in modern world military solutions, despite the vast numbers of nuclear stockpiles that America and Russia have. This is because the five ring model subdivides any military offensive to five distinct stages (Allison et al, 1999). But its a fact that use of even a single nuclear missile in enough to subdue an enemy state beyond measure. Moreover, causing an impact across all the five levels of any country to be paralyzed. Indeed it is the reason why at the height of the crisis the United States omitted a preemptive attack on Cuba due to the remote chances that a single missile might survive the attack which then Cuba would certainly use on them. Besides all this, it would have meant that United States wage war against two hostile countries at the same time which would have limited their precision to respond. It is therefore unlikely that the 5 ring model would have been used in Cuban crisis. However in Vietnam War the five ring model could be applied to guide military offensive. In Vietnam War the United States was fighting in support of South Vietnam against North Vietnam. But the U.S was disadvantaged in a position of weakness due to the huge Northern Vietnamese army comparable to South Vietnamese army. In addition the South Vietnam communist allies were powerful and provided important military support to the offensive. The U.S therefore resorted to the 5 ring model against their military offensive in Vietnam which was instrumental in their success during the war Vietnam. The gulf war that occurred in the 1991 is another example where the 5 ring model was successfully used in subduing the Iraq forces and the subsequent victory in the region. Soon after Iraq invaded Kuwait the United Nations recommended military solution. This saw a coalition force put together which applied combination of firepower and ground troops that advanced in Iraq. This military advance targeted Iraq sectors that had significance value to the country which after their capture led to the ceasefire. Use of the 5 ring model approach in the war enabled the Iraq vital economic sector destruction through sustained firepower (Bard and Mitchell, 2009). Gulf war is one of the wars that saw a lot of allies; especially those affiliated to the U.S participate in the Iraq attack. In deciding to intervene for Kuwait the reasons for United States were vested in its own interest. One Kuwait was a major oil exporter to the U.S, therefore U.S feared that war would destabilize the region and cause scarcity of oil in the region. Secondly U.S had allies in the region specifically Saudi Arabia that now felt threatened by the expanding influence of Iraq which it felt that it needed to be curtailed. Lastly it was important that Iraq dont get to control a huge stake of the oil reserve in the region or indeed be a force of influence in the gulf peninsula, which would have happened had it occupied Kuwait. In the aftermath of the war the cost of the military offensive was mainly paid by the Saudi Arabia to a total of $40 billion of the total $60billion that the war had cost. There was minimal American causalities 295 deaths due to the range of coalition forces that participated. In summary the gulf war provided the United States forces with a military experience in the region and was a successful venture. That America continues to cash on presently in more than one way. References Allison, Graham and Zelikow, P (1999). Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis; New York: Longman Publishers. Bard, Mitchell. (2009). The Gulf War. Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from Blum, William. The Vietnam War and The United States Lessons. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from (1995) Warden, J., A. (1995). Air Theory for the 21st Century. Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues. United States Air Force. Air and Space Power, 343. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from Wayne Thiebauds Art Style | Essay Wayne Thiebauds Art Style | Essay Wayne Thiebaud is an artist that has been associated with the Pop Art culture and also was part of the realism that came out of the United States west coast. Thiebauds real life representation of his subject has been seen as one of many beginnings photorealism. Before becoming a painter, Thiebaud worked in New York City as a sign painter and also as a cartoonist. He only began to paint in 1949, incorporating skills from his former occupations. Thiebaud is best known for the paintings that are associated with the production line of objects that can be found in diners and cafeterias, such as pies and pastries and others objects of common everyday life. The Neapolitan Pie that I found in the Norton Museum embodies the techniques that he often used in his paintings. This painting with its thick paint adding to the depth and character led me to want to learn about the artist behind it. Thiebaud chose to celebrate and embrace the delights of the common place and rendered his realistic paintings with a brilliant eye for abstraction. Thiebauds painting technique can be described as a cookbook chronicling those that have added sizzle, seasoning or even sprinkle to its prolific palette What he wanted to set out to do was to create a different visual species, which he described as being the ultimate accomplishment for all painters. Thiebaud says that art needs constant movement of different aspects of itself in order to stay alive. He also states that art draws inspiration from everything around it. He is not afraid of showing in his paintings aspects from other artists who inspired him, My world is one crime I steal from every artist aroun d the world. This may be why Thiebaud completely followed artists that were before him and also artists who were painting in his time period. Wayne Thiebaud had many artists in Abstract Expressionism and artists from Pop Art that he gathered techniques from. There were artistic time periods that he borrowed aspects from and combined with others to produce his own characteristic style. In this paper I will describe all these aspects and how their combination gave rise to the famous work we know Wayne Thiebaud for today. Thiebaud was a realist painter and painted at a time between Abstract Expressionism movement and the Pop Art era. His growth as an artist started from when he was a young child and as a teenager made poster designs and on stage sets for theatre. Thiebaud worked at Universal Studios and also as an illustrator for the advertising department in New York. He later earned a degree from California State College in Sacramento and this was where he learned and became fond of the fine arts. After this he began to study art history books intensively and the paintings in them, including the transitions in the works from period to period. Thiebaud, while working, became friends with and interested in the works of art from Willem De Kooning and Franz Kline who were abstract expressionist painters. This was a American post World War II art movement. the predecessor of this art movement is surrealism, which features elements of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions. Willem De Kooning also was invo lved with action painting, whose characteristics are spontaneous, splashed, or smeared onto a canvas. Kooning states, People are always trying to break the backs of paintings by expecting things which paintings cannot doits just a painting. A God damned painting. Just a little thing you smear stuff on. You just hope in the smearing that you havent insulted people that youre asking to look at it. This statement was a great influence in shaping the thoughts of Thiebaud. He saw this as a quintessential idea for producing works of art By the early 1960s the paintings he had produced now began to gain tension, balance, and grace. He placed the forms first and objects were pushed forward and put in a relevant order. He had been making statements like this with his Neapolitan Pie for years before others but was packed together with other artists in the Pop Art period when the movement surfaced. Pop Art was a tradition that challenged the artwork at that time and wanted to show that anything the artist used, which was of mass-production of popular culture could can be connected with fine art. It was widely seen as a reaction and expansion of the dominant ideas of abstract realism, which was a spontaneous or subconscious creation. Pop Art does not refer directly to the art that they made, but the ideas that moved the whole movement itself. During this time, Thiebaud also saw works of art from the earliest pop artists Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns whose paintings were based on Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art. W hat Thiebaud did was abandoned most of the ideas that Pop Art committed itself to and react against it, which is surprising since he was seen as a vital part to this period. The work that Thiebaud produced is described as nostalgic views of popular culture and the American scene with which viewers of all kinds can easily identify. Most paintings in the Pop Art period were more intimidating for those viewing the work in museums and sometimes were too harsh to appreciate. What Thiebaud said was I am not a card carrying Pop artist I dont like much of it. Pop to him was more of a business than an operation of honorable painting and he had too much respect for the original products that they played off of to be a part of Pop Art. So while this art period was taking off Thiebaud decided that he was going to move on and became a professor at U-C Davis. Another influence of Wayne Theibaud was of Abstract Expressionism, which was going on in the time he produced work, and can be seen in the thick brushstrokes and bold use of colour which was a constant theme in his works. Thiebaud began to paint images based on food that he would see displayed in windows, focusing not on what he was painting but more on the shape of the objects. What impacted his painting this way was his inclination for simple objects, borrowing aspects of layouts for ads that he did while working as a cartoonist and sign painter. His simplicity to his designs could be understood and recognized as a method that he took into his paintings. This would also be around the 1960s and Thiebaud wanted to show depictions of the everyday American life while showing a new approach to art, representational art. Artists such as Stuart Davis and his Odol Bottle and Gerald Murphy and his Safety Razor were visions of the coming pop culture era even before Thiebaud began to paint wo rk that would fit into it. As Thiebaud continued to work influences from other artists could be seen in his work like the paintings of Giorgio Morandi like his Still Life. Thiebaud long admired Giorgios work for their contemplative quiet, the palpable sense of protracted looking that they convey, and their delicate, varied effects achieved with seemingly minimal means. The influence of this was not just in how Thiebaud structured his work, but also by how he manipulated the light and the slow moving strokes to enhance the form of the object. This aspect of manipulating light also was something he used in his signs and works, making a shadow where there is none to draw the eye to areas that there would be none and giving the work depth. This aspect was also borrowed from the tromp loeil (fool the eye) painter John Peto, who painted the Letter Rack, who also was said to have an influence on Thiebaud. Due to this influence, Thiebaud would never have any space of where the object would leave the page it would be represented in its entirety showing the readers that it would not be real. He would arrange the object in his painting into a shallow space and used shadows, as previously stated, to suggest some form of depth without there actually being any depth; tromp loeil. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Neapolitan Pie and all the works Thiebaud has produced had notable influences from his background and artists whom he studied and who had an influence on what he produced. Thiebaud had a way of dragging his paint across his canvas in a smooth way that would enhance the luscious textures of oil and transform itself into the very object that he was trying to portray. This, by the artists, refers to object transference and roots can also be traced to Morandi, but also in artists such as Joaquin Sorolla. He painted objects that are common placed around any individual as those of Stuart Davis and Gerald Murphy. Thiebaud had a strong inclination in painting common objects much earlier than those of the Pop culture movement. When Thiebaud first began to paint these common objects though he found it humorous and channeled his cartoonist abilities with his row of pies: When I painted the first row of pies, I can remember sitting and laughing sort of a silly relief Now I have flipped out! The one thing that allowed me to do that was having been a cartoonist. I did one and thought, Thats really crazy, but no one is going to look at these things anyway, so what the heck. However with all of his pastry paintings he handled the paint in a way that makes his work very distinctive. His paintings bring forth a realism of complete visual delight. He made anew the representational subject matter with a bold palette and used his skillful display of brushwork acquired from the Abstract Expressionists he admired. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Wayne Thiebaud copied from the masters because he respected art so much that he wanted to learn from those greats that came before him. What he did was add his own style to it so as to expand on what he learned into a different category, so as to be seen in a new light. He delighted in the works of other art periods like Abstract Expressionism and Realism and saw it as an honour to study an be apart of the art movement. He rejected the ideas of the Pop Art movement that he was classified in because he respected the art work they ridiculed too much to make a mockery of it. He was said as feeling honoured that he was able to apply himself and that he became a force in the artistic movement that is still evolving today. His work will forever be a staple and used as a tool for artist that come behind him to study learn from and elaborate on.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Essay
The topic that I have conducted research on involves underage alcohol consumption and various levels of academic achievement. More specifically, my goal is to conceptualize the increasing amounts of underage alcohol abuse by observing the affects effects that it has on individual’s GPA. Data obtained from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism suggests that four out of five college students consume alcohol. Of the students that consume alcohol, approximately fifty percent engage in binge drinking (NIAAA 2012). In consideration of the location where the study was conducted (University of New Hampshire), it seemed appropriate to pursue a topic that would potentially correlate with alcohol consumption. Past studies have attempted to address the issue of alcohol consumption and it’s affects effects on academic achievement, yet none have constricted the independent variable to a specific age rage. Returning back to data gathered from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, information was derived that suggested about seventy percent of minors have had at least one alcoholic beverage by the age of eighteen. In accordance with this finding, it was also recorded that although minors drink less often than adults, they do however tend to binge drink more often during an average drinking episode (NIAAA 2012). The objective of the present study is to better grasp an understanding of underage alcohol consumption and academic achievement. With the focus of the age group being confined to individuals less than twenty one years of age, new findings will be generated. The reduction of underage alcohol consumption is an extremely prevalent topic that many policy implementers and law enforcement agencies are faced with. Hopefully results from this study can establish a causal relationship that will aid professionals in dealing with this dilemma not only at the University of New Hampshire, but at universities across the nation. A plethora of studies have been conducted to observe the many negative effects that come from alcohol consumption. For those that are unaware, alcohol is a powerful depressant that ultimately slows down your thinking and time of reaction (CTC 2013). Also, alcohol consumption can act as a precursor to things such as brain damage, heart disease, liver damage, ulcers and various types of cancer (CTC 2013). Many individuals have been presented with similar facts, but they continue to drink alcohol. At the college level, many of the individuals that are consuming alcohol are under the legal age. Policy makers and law enforcement have been faced with this dilemma for an ongoing period of time. In attempts to control for alcohol consumption, many studies have been conducted to pinpoint the main causes. In a study conducted by Labrie et al. (2010), family history of alcohol abuse and its effects on college student’s alcohol abuse were researched. Findings suggest that family history has a correlation with college student’s personal use making them more prone to abuse (mostly males) (Labrie et al. 2010). With this finding however, minimal policy implications are suggested except for parental monitoring of socialization. In a study conducted by Rasul et al. (2011), the current drinking age is tested. Researchers were curious if a deduction in the current drinking age would have a successful attempt in diminishing heavy episodic drinking periods amongst college students. Findings imply that only in the rare case of high alcohol availability, and low levels of law enforcement, would the reduction of the drinking age have a small positive effect. With the full understanding of the prevalence of alcohol consumption in college in general, the question is posed of the effect that it has on academic performance. There is a brief existence of literature that focuses directly on this topic. In a study conducted by Singleton (2007), he examines the relationship between alcohol consumption and academic performance while controlling for key background factors. When SAT scores and class ranks were controlled, a significant relationship for alcohol consumption and academic performance was observed (Singleton 2007). In a similar study conducted by Singleton and Wolfson (2009), they attempted to observe relationships between alcohol intake, sleep and academic performance. Main findings suggest that the most significant predictor of academic performance was sleep schedule. However, the association that high alcohol intake would result in poor sleep schedule ultimately effecting your academic achievement was established (Singleton and Wolfs on 2009). Although past studies have observed alcohol consumption and its effects on academic achievement, none of them control for age. In the present study, the collegiate population that illegally consumes alcohol is examined. Findings will hopefully suggest that illegal alcohol consumption has a negative effect on academic achievement. If so, I will provide some policy implications that will help address and potentially minimize underage alcohol consumption. * Null Hypothesis: underage alcohol consumption has no affect effect on individual academic achievement. * Alternative Hypothesis: underage alcohol consumption will have a negative effect on academic achievement. To gather the data necessary to study alcohol consumption and its effects on academic achievement, two survey questions were contributed to a general survey composed by the spring 2013 methods of social research class at the University of New Hampshire. Our study was conducted in various classrooms at the University of New Hampshire using the method of convenience sampling. This non-probability sampling method will produce un-representative results. However, considering our limits of time and money, this sampling procedure was deemed the most rational. Professor Rebecca Glauber contacted five sociology professors teaching large discovery courses during the spring semester. These teachers agreed to let students in the methods of social research course field a survey to their students. No compensation was received by the participants. In the middle of April, three to four students in the methods of social research course attended the classes of these professors. During that time, the students stood in front of the class room and read a verbal recruitment statement. Upon completion of the statement, students handed out the surveys to all participants in the classroom. If the students agree to participate, they will anonymously fill out the survey. If at any time an individual felt uncomfortable and wished to remove their consent, that survey was destroyed. After completion, students placed their surveys in a box at the front of the room. Minimal risk is present in our study. On the survey, questions involving illegal substance use were present. This could potentially be considered a criminal liability, but since the survey was completed anonymously that factor is ruled out and the participants were protected. Also, questions involving states of mental health were present which could potentially have negative psychological effects on participants. There is no direct benefit to the participants of the study. However, results of this survey helped individuals in the methods of social research class obtain useful information that helped them draw conclusions that otherwise would not have been possible. In this particular study, no physical harm, and minimal psychological harm to the participants was present. In addition, the assurance of anonymity will help establish the goal of the benefits outweighing the risks. The variables used for this particular study were alcohol consumption and academic achievement. The independent variable, alcohol consumption, was (conceptually) theoretically defined by measuring the amount of alcoholic beverages that are consumed in an average drinking episode. The question used to address this variable was, â€Å"During an average drinking episode, about how many alcoholic drinks do you consume?†There were five mutually exclusive and exhaustive answers for participants to select from. (this sounds like it could be plagiarism so maybe change that sentence.) The dependent variable, academic achievement, was conceptually defined by measuring students GPA’s. The question used to address this variable was, â€Å"What is your overall grade point average (GPA)?†Once again, there were five mutually exclusive and exhaustive answers for participants to select from.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Does Television Viewing Affect Academic Performance
The insights and understanding about of this study will serves as reference to the behavior of 4th and 5th graders of Mill Creek Intermediate School watching television and its relationship to their academic performance. The approach conducted to come up with the resolutions for this topic was made through survey method. The sample size used to acquire data of the normal percent of the group was 50 respondents for 4th graders and 50 respondents for 5th graders. The equal number size of respondents for this survey will be able to compare the subject level of differences and rationalization of the selective topic.To acquired weighing result for this paper, the following determining factors were used for this survey: the profile of respondent, the program watched, duration of television viewing, and the timeslot usually watched in television. For evaluating the academic performance, the overall grade, grade per subject and overall performance in school was considered. Impression for thi s topic will answer the reader’s interest of the school age behavior towards their study and leisure moments by watching television. Data Television is one of the powerful tools of the generation.It was invented to give entertainment, to educate and delivers information of the things around us. Television carries message through variety of programs that evolves significant impression to the viewer’s way of life. For children, television is a mechanism that creates connection to their personal and social values at home and with their environment. Children also can rely on the as parents guidance in the program content they were watching. It explained that children were able to acquire learning through adults. Wherein, adults can define the level of literacy in providing right topics to be discussed for the children (Media Form, 2007).Through television, the audio-visual interpretation operates to psychological impact obtaining the high degree of recall acquired from the message being watched and it was cited in Psychological Operations Field Manual No. 33-1(1979) and Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Media Sub course PO-0816 (1983). The medium communication delivers to the viewers give impressions to what the personality that a child could be acquired and learned. As Dimitri Christakis cites studies in which more than 5,000 children also found that â€Å"pro-social†programs (think â€Å"Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood†) make children kinder and more tolerant.In fact, the linkage between good behavior and watching good programming is as strong as the link between bad behavior and bad programming. (Christakis, 2007) Based on the conducted survey, Table 1 shows that male respondent of the 4th graders answers that program with actions, suspense, adventures and violent cartoon programs in Animax appeals to them. However, female respondents prefers program that are bubbly funny in character, fiction and fairy tale programs like Disney Channel. Mo st of them render time of 3-4 hours watching television after classes which is in the afternoon. About their academic performance, both genders are doing well.As compared to 5th graders, they are more likely focus on their class standing. (See figure 1). RESPONDENTS 4th Grade 5th Grade Male 35 29 Female 15 21 Frequency of watching television 50 50 PROGRAM WATCHED Nickelodeon 5 7 Cartoon Network 13 11 Disney Channel 11 16 Animax (Japanese Anime) 19 13 Others 2 3 DURATION OF TELEVISION WATCHING 1-2 hrs. 12 28 3-4 hrs. 26 17 5-6 hrs. 10 4 7-8 hrs. 2 1 TIMESLOT USUALLY WATCHED Morning (5am-11am) 7 5 Afternoon (3-5pm) 39 43 Evening (6-8pm) 4 2 Watching TV before studying lessons in school 31 21 Studying lessons in school before Watching TV 19 29 SUBJECTS WITH THE HIGHEST GRADESEnglish 15 15 History 15 19 Math 12 13 Science 12 13 Others 8 3 Table 1. Television viewing habits of 100 respondents for both 4th & 5th graders Figure 1. 5th Graders excel more in academic than 4th Graders Based o n the conducted survey as well as interviews on both respondents, children who watched television before studying their lessons, and sleep after studying their lessons made them recall their lessons in the morning class. On the other hand, children who studying their lessons before watching television and sleep after that, made them remember the programs they have watched in the morning class. (See table 1).Since television viewing can interfere with the completion of homework assignments and reduce the amount of sleep a child gets as it shows in the duration of television watching (See table 1), excessive viewing could affect the child's grades and alertness in school, this can be showed on the lowest grades acquired by both graders in the Figure 1. However, through this survey, research found out that the amount of time which children spend on homework or studies after watching television is significantly related to how they performed in school which can be seen on the highest gra des of the respondents (See figure 1).Through performing activities (Refer table 1) done by the respondents (4th & 5th graders) showed how the affect of television viewing formed and make significance to their academic performance. Through the kind of programs that the respondents were watching as it showed to this study, connects understanding to the kind of attitude and values they have and hold as they get along with their everyday life. Research tells also that 5th grader respondents were more motivated in performing homework assignments/studies before watching television. (See table 1). They are also aware of their academic performance as compares to 4th grader.According to the Human Development biology, this is the stage wherein the child to this previous phase is called schoolchild (schoolboy or schoolgirl), when still of primary school age of 10-12. (2007), this may also the reason, of having erratic emotional transformation with regards to personal sets of values about his/ her environmental viewpoints as well as social relationship. As connoted by Clark Hull â€Å"humans have internal biological needs which motivate us to perform a certain way†. These needs, or drives, are defined by Hull as internal states of arousal or tension which must be reduced.(Hull 1943, 1952) Like in my opinion, television for children surface as need for them. Television is an art, a way to entertainment and makes fantasies of the social approvals as what they see on advertisement move along with the programs their viewing. From television viewing, it creates impressions on the programs that significantly affected to their values as they growing up. The need for providing quality-oriented programming for children is obvious. It is the responsibilities of parents or significant member of the family to give information same with guidance of things that the children viewing on television.Conclusion This paper has discussed vitality role of television viewing, which creat es affect on the academic performance of the children if not guided by their parents or significant people in their lives. Evidences and data pertains to the scope of this study also explained that the range of television viewing in long hours can make too much effect on the education of the children. It also affirmed to the idea that the relations of television viewing in the academic skills depend primarily on the content of the programs viewed.Television content brings good and bad effects in manner if not in used accordingly by the viewers. As it discussed on survey results and interviews (See table 1 and figure 1), more of the graders said that their habitual pattern on the activities like television viewing between studying lesson showed emphasis like this: watched TV ? then studying their lesson ? after that sleep. As they attend to the morning class the retention of the studied lessons appeared to be the first chance of recalling than the programs they have watched on televi sion.Though, we cannot completely deny the fact that they still remembered the programs they have watched but when they are in class, the subjects and lessons surface than TV programs. Then again, because the topic discussed were about the subjects/lessons which possible studied before sleep. In spite of that, if the other pattern goes like this: studying their lesson ? watched TV ? after that sleep. The type of TV program that was watched before sleeping, have this probability to recall than the studied lesson. Still, we cannot deny the fact that it’s a school setting, wherein the topic to be discussed is related to lessons.However, we cannot also deny that sometimes we captivated on the TV programs we watched before sleep. The order of habit in television watching sometimes affects recall. It also sometimes the reason that children have absent-minded as they say, â€Å"physically present but mentally absent†. Therefore this research concluded that, having academicall y excellence in education for 4th and 5th graders depend on the significant people like parents who can give proper guidance and training as the habits of television viewing is primarily concerned.Likewise, the attention learned from television viewing can manifest to the values of children as they grow old and matured. Recommendations The lessons thought from this study, can enlightened the following people’s concern: 1. For TV avid viewers, this study will give you insights about the system of prioritizing, organizing and knowing the value of scheduling in terms of TV viewing and studying. 2. For the future reader of this research, allow this to be your reference in the continuance of discovering more about this conducted study. 3.For my respondents who participated well to make this study explain the kind of behavior we showed in regards of relationship in television viewing as well as our performance as student in school. 4. For parents and guardian, this is a good readin g tool for having recognized our role for our children as they make television viewing a habit. 5. For my fellow classmates, may this work effort explain well and be another idea for understanding the cause and effect of television in our education. 6. For the teachers, educators and trainers, this paper will serves as an additional input for widening the virtue of education to the lives of students.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Biography of Boudicca, British Celtic Warrior Queen
Boudicca was a British Celtic warrior queen who led a revolt against Roman occupation. Her date and place of birth are unknown and its believed she died in 60 or 61 CE. An alternative British spelling is Boudica, the Welsh call her Buddug, and she is sometimes known by a Latinization of her name, Boadicea or Boadacaea. We know the history of Boudicca through two writers: Tacitus, in Agricola (98) and The Annals (109), and Cassius Dio, in The Rebellion of Boudicca (about 163) Boudicca was the wife of Prasutagus, who was head of the Iceni tribe in East England, in what is now Norfolk and Suffolk. Nothing is known about her birth date or birth family. Fast Facts: Boudicca Known For: British Celtic Warrior Queen Also Known As: Boudicea, Boadicea, Buddug, Queen of BritainBorn: Britannia (date unknown)Died: 60 or 61 CESpouse: PrasutagusHonors: A statue of Boudicca with her daughters in her war chariot stands next to Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament in England. It was commissioned by Prince Albert, executed by Thomas Thornycroft, and completed in 1905.Notable Quotes: If you weigh well the strengths of our armies you will see that in this battle we must conquer or die. This is a womans resolve. As for the men, they may live or be slaves. I am not fighting for my kingdom and wealth now. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my bruised body, and my outraged daughters. Roman Occupation and Prasutagus Boudicca was married to Prasutagus, ruler of the Iceni people of East Anglia, in 43 CE, when the Romans invaded Britain, and most of the Celtic tribes were forced to submit. However, the Romans allowed two Celtic kings to retain some of their traditional power. One of these two was Prasutagus. The Roman occupation brought an increased Roman settlement, military presence, and attempts to suppress Celtic religious culture. There were major economic changes, including heavy taxes and money lending. In 47, the Romans forced the Ireni to disarm, creating resentment. Prasutagus had been given a grant by the Romans, but the Romans then redefined this as a loan. When Prasutagus died in 60 CE, he left his kingdom to his two daughters and jointly to Emperor Nero to settle this debt. Romans Seize Power After Prasutagus Dies The Romans arrived to collect, but instead of settling for half the kingdom, they seized control of all of it. According to Tacitus, to humiliate the former rulers, the Romans beat Boudicca publicly, raped their two daughters, seized the wealth of many Iceni, and sold much of the royal family into slavery. Dio has an alternative story that does not include rapes and beatings. In his version, a Roman moneylender named Seneca called in loans of the Britons. The Roman governor Suetonius turned his attention to attacking Wales, taking two-thirds of the Roman military in Britain. Boudicca meanwhile met with the leaders of the Iceni, Trinovanti, Cornovii, Durotiges, and other tribes, who also had grievances against the Romans, including grants that had been redefined as loans. They planned to revolt and drive out the Romans. Boudiccas Army Attacks Led by Boudicca, about 100,000 British attacked Camulodunum (now Colchester), where the Romans had their main center of rule. With Suetonius and most of the Roman forces away, Camulodunum was not well-defended, and the Romans were driven out. The Procurator Decianus was forced to flee. Boudiccas army burned Camulodunum to the ground; only the Roman Temple was left. Immediately, Boudiccas army turned to the largest city in the British Isles, Londinium (London). Suetonius strategically abandoned the city, and Boudiccas army burned Londinium and massacred the 25,000 inhabitants who had not fled. Archaeological evidence of a layer of burned ash shows the extent of the destruction. Next, Boudicca and her army marched on Verulamium (St. Albans), a city largely populated by Britons who had cooperated with the Romans and who were killed as the city was destroyed. Changing Fortunes Boudiccas army had counted on seizing Roman food stores when the tribes abandoned their own fields to wage rebellion, but Suetonius had strategically burned the Roman stores. Famine thus struck the victorious army, greatly weakening it. Boudicca fought one more battle, though its precise location is unknown. Boudiccas army attacked uphill, and, exhausted and hungry, was easily routed by the Romans to rout. Roman troopsâ€â€numbering just 1,200â€â€defeated Boudiccas army of 100,000, killing 80,000 while suffering only 400 casualties. Death and Legacy What happened to Boudicca is uncertain. She may have returned to her home territory and taken poison to avoid Roman capture. As a result of the rebellion, the Romans strengthened their military presence in Britain but also lessened the oppressiveness of their rule. After the Romans suppressed Boudiccas rebellion, Britons mounted a few smaller insurrections in the coming years, but none gained the same widespread support or cost as many lives. The Romans would continue to hold Britain, without any further significant trouble, until their withdrawal from the region in 410. Boudiccas story was nearly forgotten until Tacitus work Annals was rediscovered in 1360. Her story became popular during the reign of another English queen who headed an army against foreign invasion, Queen Elizabeth I. Today, Boudicca is considered a national heroine in Great Briton, and she is seen as a universal symbol of the human desire for freedom and justice. Boudiccas life has been the subject of historical novels and a 2003 British television film, Warrior Queen. Sources â€Å"History - Boudicca.† BBC, BBC.Mark, Joshua J. â€Å"Boudicca.† Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 28 Feb. 2019.Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. â€Å"Boudicca.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 23 Jan. 2017.
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